
Educational Management icon

Educational Management

Oversee educational institutions and facilities for physical education, playgrounds, and gyms.

Micro-financing & Banking icon

Micro-financing & Banking

Provide financial services to the underprivileged.

Conferences & Seminars icon

Conferences & Seminars

Organize events to promote learning and awareness.

Programs & Propagation icon

Programs & Propagation

Run programs for overall development. Promote creative attitudes towards art. Publish newspapers and magazines.

Educational Initiatives icon

Educational Initiatives

Provide physical, technical, commercial, moral, and spiritual education to all age groups.

Awards & Opportunities icon

Awards & Opportunities

Give incentive awards. Develop opportunities for education. Create employment programs.

Research & Implementation icon

Research & Implementation

Conduct research to develop and implement new programs. Set up small-scale industries.

Public Awareness icon

Public Awareness

Raise public awareness through conferences and seminars.

Government Projects icon

Government Projects

Implement projects entrusted by the U.P. Government and Central Government.

Funding & Property icon

Funding & Property

Secure grants, donations, and loans. Manage and maintain properties.

Welfare Projects icon

Welfare Projects

Operate projects for orphans. Promote khadi and gramodyog. Support de-addiction programs. Cooperate in Family Planning Programs.

International Programs icon

International Programs

Implement programs of UNESCO, UNICEF, WORLD FOOD PROGRAM, and WHO.

Handicapped Programs icon

Handicapped Programs

Develop and implement programs for the handicapped.

Old Age Homes icon

Old Age Homes

Establish and manage old age homes. Provide secure shelter and boarding in our facility in Rohana, Muzaffarnagar district, U.P.

Educational Facilities icon

Educational Facilities

Extend educational facilities to Indian students abroad and foreign students in India.

Marginalized Communities icon

Marginalized Communities

Implement welfare schemes for scheduled castes, backward classes, and scheduled tribes.

Programs for the Elderly icon

Programs for the Elderly

Implement programs tailored for elderly welfare.

Aagan Badi Mahila icon

Aagan Badi Mahila

Develop training programs for women working in Aagan Badi.

National Integrity icon

National Integrity

Foster national integrity.

Herbal Products icon

Herbal Products

Collect, store, transport, and sell medical and perfumed herbal products.

Dairy Farming icon

Dairy Farming

Engage in dairy farming activities to supply pure, nutritious milk and dairy products.

Construction Projects icon

Construction Projects

Construct schools and buildings.

Join Our Mission

Help us make a difference in the lives of women, children, and the elderly. Your support can change lives and build a better future for our community.