Animal husbandry

Promoting dairies

The cow is considered the holy mother by Indians. M.N.S. intends to make a difference by initiating and promoting organic and non-profit dairies supplying pure, authentic, and nutritious milk and other dairy products, mostly for needy children but also for adults. We have already begun acquiring land to create pastures for cows and to build milking facilities. Furthermore, plans have been made for secure distribution channels to ensure pure milk reaches those in need.

Students at SSGIC
Smt Mukandidevi

Counteracting scandals

In the current situation, there is a shortage of milk in the country. Commercial profit-oriented companies are resorting to unacceptable means to meet the large and growing demand. Scandals involving milk adulteration are increasing. Dilution with contaminated water, the addition of urea, and the use of lime to give liquids a white color are just some of the practices regularly and systematically employed by many local dairy companies.

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